Engineering & Construction

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As one of the most established and diverse contracting companies in the Saudi Arabia, UNITED Contracting offers unified contracting services to enable the most innovative and cost-effective value engineering solutions for its clients while upholding its commitment to quality and delivery timeline. 

We implement strategy in our delivery to offer the finest quality in cost estimation, site preparation, and construction implementation to clients needing large scale construction services, whether it be in Roads, Bridges, Drainage, Tunnels, Sewerage Networks, Water Networks, Airports, or Buildings of all types. UNITED Contracting aims to ensure the highest standards of service in the construction industry.  We are committed to undertake all types of projects, deliver them on time, and at the highest quality.

Engineering & Construction Services consists of many areas:

  • Engineering Design collaborating with campus to ensure good stewardship to campus buildings when a proposed project alters or connects to building systems or architecture.
  • Quality Assurance ensures that university facilities are designed and constructed to be consistent with world class institutions.
  • Construction Services provides oversight for projects ranging from the installation of a new room sign to the remodeling of a laboratory. Three delivery options are available to meet the campus demand for construction: Contractor Services, Job Order Contracting (JOC), and F&S Crafts & Trades.
  • Campus Code Compliance & Fire Safety is responsible for the fire and life safety programs and the existing building and fire code compliance functions for the campus.
  •  Facilities Information Resources maintains building records and a space inventory, and provides mapping, drafting, and graphic design services.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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