QHSE Services & Consulting

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UNITED Contracting is a multifaceted Organization providing solutions on consultancy & certification to various disciples in Quality, Health Safety and Environment, Food Safety, Information Security etc; Our various industrial expertise with strong exposures in the field of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment, Food Safety, Information Security etc; has supported many organizations in Saudi Arabia.

UNITED Contracting has a team of consultants equipped with expertise and experience in helping organization in developing system in line with Health, Safety and Environment ensuring that they are complying with the local and international standards and regulations. We provide consultancy services to help our clients get the best from their workforce, their suppliers and the sites in which they operate.

All workers have a right to work in places where risks to their health and their safety are minimised and controlled. Employers have a duty to protect anyone that is affected by their operations and ensure all those that are have an appropriate level of health and safety information, instruction, training and supervision.

We provide just the right level of commercial and economic benefits to your business. UNITED Contracting’s knowledge is built on providing trusted health, safety and environmental solutions by interpreting legislation in line with your business priorities and objectives and delivering bespoke solutions aligned to your strategic needs.

We have an enviable reputation regarding health and safety risk management solutions across a wide range of industries so you can benefit from our vast knowledge and experience – joining a list of leading companies and organisations who already use Corporate OHS as their risk management partner of choice.

What QHSE means to UNITED.


At UNITED, Quality is not just about delivering best in industrial products and services, but it also encompasses the very practice of Process Improvement


Whether it is working on a Project Site or our Head Office, the health of our staff, Clients and employees is of prime importance


Staff Members across all levels of hierarchy, long term employees or new recruits, UNITED has stringent policies to ensure Safety and Security of all its internal.


UNITED has pledged for a better Environment and has accordingly aligned its business rules and policies for a better, safer and a greener Tomorrow.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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